Wednesday, November 4, 2009

KKK (all three of the K's stand for Komedy)

Don, do you like riddles?
Presumably yes?

Don, What's black and white at the same time?
Answer: you.

"How am I both black and white, Murray?" You are probably saying in a comically angry way. I imagine that you are taking really long breaks between each word, in efforts to increase the hilarity. Don't get comically angry, Don! It was a compliment! A possibly racist compliment.

See, whilst I have a list of comedians that I strongly dislike, I find an unusual proportion of these despised comics are of African-American descent. I don't have anything against the Blackenese people, Don, really, I don't. Well, maybe there is some subconscious fear of them as 'the other'... I have noticed that I get an eensy bit racist when overly tired...
Oh, shit. Ummmm. I'm not racist.
Anyway, the point is more that I just don't find the stand-up material of your Chris Rocks, Eddie Murphys and OJ Simpsons all that funny. I have thought that maybe I just can't grasp the comedy of these supposedly funnymen (pronounced phunni-mn) is because the comedian and I came from drastically different backgrounds.

-Eddie Murphy often reflects on his hard life livin' in THE PROJECTS. When I was a kid I made a boat out of a milk carton for a CLASS PROJECT.

-Chris Rock grew up listening to the very birth of a new and exciting art form in rap music. I grew up in a time period in which rap music seemed to have died years ago, but continued to walk the halls like the most convincing extra in a Romero film.

-OJ Simpson kills bitches. I don't often do that.

But you, Don (also Dave Chapelle if you are reading this), I feel comfortable laughing with/at depending on the type of character you are portraying. Something about you just seems so accesible, clean and, dare I say it, superior. Donald, You seem white.

Don, I was totally kidding with the "superior" and "clean" and all that business. This would all work so much better if I was a hot girl like that Sarah Silverman.

Did you notice that if you separate Sarah's surname into two bits and create Silver Man you can work off that very simple idea and create an ongoing comic book series about a superhero that has the ability to turn things into silver?
I noticed, Don. I noticed.

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